With Open Core Engineering from Rexroth, Glaub found an efficient way to develop its ‘ECO/App SmartControl´.
Glaub Solution GmbH uses Open Core Engineering from Rexroth to develop an App for the intuitive control of automation systems In the future, mobile devices like smartphones and tablet PCs will conquer offices and production halls of modern companies. With the help of these devices many processes can be simplified and made even more efficient. Glaub Solution GmbH situated in Salzgitter, Germany, develops already today HMI solutions, which can be used to operate complete automation systems from smart devices by means of apps. The systems are based on Open Core Engineering with Open Core Interface technology as well as the controls IndraMotion MLC and IndraLogic XLC from Rexroth. The specialist for automation solutions is thus pushing the door wide open towards Connected Industry. Since 2012 Glaub Solution GmbH in Salzgitter has been working on a native app for controlling automation systems. The solution that is suitable for Android and iOS devices allows today operation and diagnostics for a three-axis system via smartphone and tablet PC. First attempts to connect apps via OPC servers to the PLC were, however, not satisfactory with regard to performance and flexibility. Finally, Glaub Solution found an efficient way to develop the ‘ECO/App SmartControl´ using Open Core Engineering – without the need for additional hardware or software licenses. “Open Core Engineering from Rexroth gave us the opportunity to realize controlling independently of IEC programming, because we can directly intervene into the control core of the PLC – with an effort of only a few hours“, explains Niko Glaub, managing director of Glaub Solution GmbH. The solution by Glaub demonstrates how easily and quickly numerous functions can be implemented with Open Core Engineering. The access to PLC variables, to axis functions and the diagnosis log can be realized comfortably in high-level languages (C++, Objective-C or Java) using the function libraries of Open Core Engineering. And this can be accomplished within a minimum of time: After having configured the PLC with the Rexroth engineering tool IndraWorks, Glaub merely had to add the headers and the library files from Rexroth into the project. For this, Rexroth offers, for example, libraries with more than 500 ready configurations. The result: In the case of ’ECO/App SmartControl‘ a toolbar on the side of the screen allows direct access to the most important menus. Apart from gesture control, the user can utilize the motion sensors of his mobile device: The axes of the machine move towards the direction, to which the user tilts his tablet. The tilt angle determines the speed of the movement. Unlike conventional, stationary operator devices, smart devices that communicate over WLAN offer the user a significantly higher degree of flexibility. “Open Core Engineering from Rexroth we can create optically attractive user interfaces for machines which don’t discourage their use, but are fun”, says Niko Glaub enthusiastically about the successful realization of his idea with Open Core Engineering from Rexroth. “With this solution, Rexroth pushes the door to Industry 4.0 wide open”. Economical, precise, safe, and energy efficient: drive and control technology from Bosch Rexroth moves machines and systems of any size. The company bundles global application experience in the market segments of Mobile Applications, Machinery Applications and Engineering, Factory Automation, and Renewable Energies to develop innovative components as well as tailored system solutions and services. Bosch Rexroth offers its customers hydraulics, electric drives and controls, gear technology, and linear motion and assembly technology all from one source. With locations in over 80 countries, roughly 36,700 associates generated sales revenue of approximately 5.7 billion euros in 2013.